Category: Opinion

  • If The Media Had Used The Word “Controversial” In 1979 The Same Way They Do In 2025, Then I Think It Would Have Looked A Little Bit Like This

    The controversial “Yorkshire Ripper” is still at large, continuing to elude police. The murderer, considered controversial by some for his slayings of innocent prostitutes, is believed to come from the controversial area of Sunderland.

    The killer, whose controversial antics have caused outrage from both sides of the political divide, has recently sent West Yorkshire Police another of his controversial audio letters.

    The latest controversial cassette from the chillingly controversial maniac states: “…I have the greatest of controversial respect for you, Controversial George. But god!… your controversial boys are letting you down, controversially.”

    West Yorkshire Police are requesting that anyone from the controversial general public has any controversial leads, then to controversially phone them on their Controversy Line at 0113 496 8088.

    Make sure to ask for the most controversial officer to controversially talk to controversoesdf to them controveriall to t you to oooo uououu ctctctc theree’s a nodooodlo in my legg cont cont the’res a nooolodo in my skull l cococicoc win dmill s