Category: Writing

  • Peter Nogood

    Peter Nogood just stands there
    Every day in our town square
    Peter Nogood stands and waits
    At the blue grey iron gates

    Peter Nogood never speaks
    Never sings or shouts or shrieks
    Peter Nogood stands and stares
    While life goes by in this town square

    Peter Nogood looks through the bars
    Looks through the gate, into the yard
    There’s nothing there for him to see
    Or is something hidden from you and me?

    What is he waiting for? Why is he there?
    Day after day in our town square
    Never seems to go home at night
    Still standing there at dawn’s first light

    Peter Nogood’s talked about,
    Argued over day in and out,
    Peter Nogood’s always news
    In the absence of any clues

    Peter Nogood is photographed
    Phones held high as tourists laugh
    Peter Nogood never reacts
    To the circus that he attracts

    Peter Nogood still stands there
    Every day in our town square
    Peter Nogood stands and waits
    At the blue grey iron gates