Blue Room


A blue, empty room. The door opens. A young boy wheels in a television. He positions it next to the power socket, plugs it in, and switches it on. He sits down close to the screen. The TV takes a few moments to warm up. A white text on blue background caption slowly fades in. It reads, “WELCOME TO TODAY’S TELEVISION”. The boy leans over and switches over to the second channel. It is a shot of an old man, eyes closed, lying on a flat surface. The boy leans over and switches to the third channel. It is the same shot of the old man, except that the picture has been horizontally flipped, as if it were being watched in a mirror. The boy leans over and switches to the fourth channel. Again, it is the same shot, except now it is both horizontally flipped and upside down. The boy leans over and switches to the fifth channel. It is the same shot, except that the horizontal flip has been removed and it is now just upside down. The boy leans over and switches to the sixth channel. A white text on blue background caption appears. It reads, “THAT IS ALL THE TELEVISION FOR TODAY”. The boy gets up and switches the set off. The picture shrinks to a small white dot. The boy unplugs the set, and wheels it out of the room.


A blue, empty room. The door opens. A middle-aged man walks in, with a transistor radio under his arm. He walks to the center of the room and extends the aerial of the radio. He switches it on, and holds it at head level, staring at it. A radio announcer speaks. “Welcome to today’s radio,” he says. The man moves the tuner a little to the right to another station. “An elderly man with his eyes closed, lying on a flat surface,” says another radio announcer. The man moves the tuner a little to the right to another station. “An elderly man with his eyes closed, lying on a flat surface as you would see him in a mirror,” says an announcer. The man moves the tuner a little to the right to another station. “An elderly man with his eyes closed, lying on a flat surface as you would see him in a mirror and if you were standing on your head,” says an announcer. The man moves the tuner a little to the right to another station. “An elderly man with his eyes closed, lying on a flat surface as you would see him if you were simply standing on your head, without the mirror,” says an announcer. The man moves the tuner a little to the right to another station. “That is all the radio for today,” says an announcer. The man switches off the radio. He retracts the aerial, tucks it back underneath his arm, and leaves the room.


A blue, empty room. The door opens. An elderly man walks in with a bundle of newspapers. He unfolds them and reads them while standing. The headline on the front page says, “WELCOME TO TODAY’S NEWSPAPER”. He drops that paper on the floor and looks at the next paper. There is a full-page photo of a young boy sitting on a floor, watching television. He drops that paper on the floor and looks at the next one. There is a full page photo of a middle-aged man standing in the middle of a room, holding a radio at head’s height. He drops the paper and looks at the next one. There is a full page photo of an elderly man with his eyes closed, lying on a flat surface. He drops the paper and looks at the next one. This paper has no text or images, just the colour blue. He drops that and reads the final one. The headline reads, “THAT IS ALL THE NEWS FOR TODAY”. The elderly man drops the last paper on the ground. He lies on the floor, and closes his eyes.